Welcome to First Church of God, “The City,” where the gospel is central, and Jesus is always the lead story. Rooted in a rich history, we shine His light through our witness, worship, and work, serving our city and beyond.




mirrors into the messiah

A Journey of how the Types, Symbols, and Shadows of Christ reveal the Message of Redemption, woven throughout Scripture.

This consecration guide invites you to explore the divine patterns and reflections of Christ found throughout the Bible. From the Old Testament foreshadowing to the New Testament fulfillment, each page unveils how God's redemptive plan has been intricately mirrored in history, prophecy, and sacred symbolism. Embark on this transformative journey and deepen your understanding of the Messiah’s presence throughout Scripture.

Weekly exercises

Monday :READ and ponder upon the selected Old Testament passage.

Tuesday: RESEARCH by connecting the New Testament revelation to the Old Testament truth.

Wednesday: REHEARSE meaning Meditate, on the passages we have read.

Thursday: RESPOND. Journal: What am I to do about what I have learned?

Friday: Write a REFLECTIVE Prayer. Write a prayer to God that speaks to our journey that week. 

mirrors into the messiah

A Journey of how the Types, Symbols, and Shadows of Christ reveal the Message of Redemption, woven throughout Scripture.

This consecration guide invites you to explore the divine patterns and reflections of Christ found throughout the Bible. From the Old Testament foreshadowing to the New Testament fulfillment, each page unveils how God's redemptive plan has been intricately mirrored in history, prophecy, and sacred symbolism. Embark on this transformative journey and deepen your understanding of the Messiah’s presence throughout Scripture.

Weekly exercises

Monday :READ and ponder upon the selected Old Testament passage.

Tuesday: RESEARCH by connecting the New Testament revelation to the Old Testament truth.

Wednesday: REHEARSE meaning Meditate, on the passages we have read.

Thursday: RESPOND. Journal: What am I to do about what I have learned?

Friday: Write a REFLECTIVE Prayer. Write a prayer to God that speaks to our journey that week. 


witness  + worship + works


Get to know the people at the church and find your own special place to serve God by learning more about our ministries.

We exist to help people find their way home and become grace-centered, servant-minded and outward-focused. Every single penny given goes directly to impacting and rescuing people.

   tithes and offerings


Jesus exemplifies giving, offering us life, breath, and freedom through His death and resurrection, which conquered sin and its hold on us. In light of this incredible gift, we view giving not as a duty or a percentage-based requirement but as a joyful act of worship.

At First Church, giving reflects our gratitude for God’s overwhelming grace and goodness. Your contributions help us serve our community, uplift those in need, and create lasting change.

   tithes and offerings


Jesus exemplifies giving, offering us life, breath, and freedom through His death and resurrection, which conquered sin and its hold on us. In light of this incredible gift, we view giving not as a duty or a percentage-based requirement but as a joyful act of worship.

At First Church, giving reflects our gratitude for God’s overwhelming grace and goodness. Your contributions help us serve our community, uplift those in need, and create lasting change.

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